
[xss] lab reflected xss with some svg markup allow 5bba34f8da88471eb958248fd2e9b0ff

[XSS] Lab: Reflected XSS with some SVG markup allowed


so since it allows SVG tags I just tried with the basic payload:


lets use intruder to get all the tags that worked.


we can use the window screen shot tool to extract the tags that passed then pass them again in a pitch fork attack. only thing we will need to use burp suite to remove the ‘<’ and ‘>’ symbols.


so as we lets intruder run lets continue googling trying to see what we can learn about svg.

so I just had a set of events pass:

so one of the issue I had with this lab was one of my tag called animatetransform I had that tag with a capital ‘T’

after fix that issue we can see we can call a and inside of the SVG to cause a type of animation event to occur for us to be able to use the onbegin event handler so in the end our payload looked like this:

<svg> <animatetransform onbegin="alert(1)">
